Maria Sharapova to mentor two Central Ohio women business owners

Kimmi Wernli was also chosen to be mentored by Sharapova.

She took over the former the Krema Nut Co. from her father in 2015. Now, she runs a 12-person operation in Dublin. Like Doczy-DeLong, she was a part of the local NAWBO chapter.

“Being chosen for this, it could be really magical for my company,” she told me. “I think the number one thing that (Sharapova) can see is potential in our company. We have a good system, culture and foundation already set up.”

Check out our interview with Wernli from last year about her risky decision to change the company’s brand.

The mentorship program will include sessions with Sharapova and her business team, weekly FaceTime or in-person talks and events. At the end of the program, both Columbus business owners want the same result: Growth in their business.

“Always, our goal is to figure out ways to sell more peanut butter,” Wernli said.

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