Meet Crazy Richard’s Registered Dietitian

At Crazy Richard’s PB we believe that access to affordable and healthy food should be available to everyone. We also think that accurate information about proper health and nutrition should be clear, easy to understand and just as accessible.

But what exactly is “healthy” anyways? The term “healthy” has been misunderstood in food labeling and is currently under revision by the FDA. This is because of a myriad of different factors one of which may be that what some consider a “healthy” food actually varies from person to person depending upon individual dietary needs.

All of these variations and interpretations can get a little complicated and confusing at times. The internet can be a web of contradicting claims with little supporting evidence.  We at Crazy Richard’s believe that it is important for consumers and brands to use Registered Dietitians for answers and guidance.

To help make sure that we are presenting our information in a clear, educated and honest way – we are proud to announce the newest member of the Crazy Richard’s family: Rachael DeVaux, RD of Rachael’s Good Eats. You will find her well-researched articles and easy to follow recipes throughout our website and social media channels.

Feel free to reach out to Rachael directly at [email protected] with nutritional questions or ingredient concerns regarding any of Crazy Richard’s products or recipes. And of course check out her amazing website for other well-balanced meal ideas.

Welcome Rachael!

Crazy Richard's Natural Peanut Butter Registered Dietitian
Meet Crazy Richard’s Registered Dietitian Rachel Devaux